Hey, even in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia, we get cold enough weather to make you worry about your leather convertible top. We get it. Which is why Banister’s Upholstery is the Greater Atlanta Area experts when it comes to anything leather… or upholstery for that matter. Winter weather here is wet, and we understand how important it is to prevent cold-weather damage to your vehicle’s leather top. Here are some tips to help you protect your convertible’s top.
Keep it Clean
When you keep your leather convertible top clean, you prevent dirt and grime from damaging it. Be gentle, though. Your best bet when it comes to leather is to hand-wash it with leather cleaner and a soft cloth. Some people say it’s okay to run your convertible through a soft-cloth car wash, but we aren’t fans of that. Keep in mind pressure and stress on the leather can wear it down and possibly even rip it, which is something we can repair if it happens but we hope it doesn’t.
Treat It
After you wash the leather make certain to treat it with a proper protectant. It’s always wise to treat your convertible leather top with a water-repellent protectant to ensure the winter rains bead on rather than seep into your top. To ensure your top is always prepared for weather damage, whether spring, summer, fall, or winter, treat it with a protectant multiple times a year. The frequency of the treatments will be recommended by the protectant manufacturer.
Dry it Off
If it rains or snows while you’re out and about, make certain to gently dry off your leather top once you get your vehicle back in the garage. It’s important to keep the top as dry as possible, even with the protectant, because moisture can cause the leather to mildew and mold. If snow or ice has accumulated on the top, be careful how you remove it. Don’t use a scraper or anything else that might tear the top. A soft brush normally works using gentle strokes.
Finally, we here at Banister’s Upholstery in Atlanta, GA, always recommend you keep your top closed during inclement weather. If you open it up, moisture will collect in the creases and encourage mold and mildew growth. If you have any additional questions about how to care for your convertible’s leather top, give us a call. We help customers throughout the Greater Atlanta Area, and we’d love to help you, too.